New Ministry Partners

One of the biggest challenges we have faced is the fact that we are alone in this ministry work. We know you guys are all praying for us, but I mean on a day-to-day basis. In the last month God has begun to build a team that will help accomplish the vision He is laying on our hearts.  ??First, we are in the process of developing a Board of Directors to help with administrative, legal and fundraising aspects in the ministry.
Pray for wisdom as we contact potential board members, and that God will lay a strong conviction to serve on their heart.
Secondly, God recently brought Matt & Molly Swanson into our lives.  After much prayer and talking, we (all 4 of us) believe there is a great potential for partnership. They are in the process of packing up their things in Tulsa, OK and hope to move to Guatemala in March 2011.  They have three boys: Josiah, Caleb and Noah.
Pray for them as they pack and prepare to come.
Thirdly, Kory Fain, a college student from McGregor Baptist Church in Florida, felt God telling him to take a few months off and come to Guatemala.  He will be moving down in February to help us host the many teams coming next year.
Pray for God’s provision and guidance in his life.
Finally, there is a long list of teams signing up to help out next year with the work to be done. We already have 10 teams coming between March & August.
Pray for each of the team leaders and the churches/ministries they represent, may God provide for all of their needs.
Thanks again for your prayers and interest in our ministry.

We Have the Land!

For those of you who have been praying the purchase of land, I wanted to let you know that we have reached the purchase price for the land as of October 8th! We were able to pay the land owner in full the $150,000 two weeks before it was due. God is our great provider!
Praise God for His Provision.
Our next major challenge is to come up with the sales tax, registration and legal fees needed to actually put the land in the ministry’s name.  The total cost for this is around $27,000! We already have $16,500!  We are just over $10,000 away.
Pray for the funds needed.
Recently we were offered a piece of land adjacent to ours which will help us resolve some of the issues the architects were having with the distribution of the buildings. If God provides we hope to purchase that piece as well. It would be another $50,000 to purchase this land.
Pray for wisdom and direction in this.
For now we are in the process of going through the legal loops and hops to get the title transferred. It may be a few weeks, or several months to get it all lined up. Having the legal title is important in obtaining the construction permits and other licenses in order to start building on the site.
Pray that we may find favor in the eyes of the government officials and that we may get the paperwork quickly.