Juanes’ Birth Record

We all take for granted the fact that we exist and are identified in someway. What would happen if you weren’t even sure when you were born? What if you didn’t have a birth certificate? You couldn’t enroll in school, apply for a job, get a Driver’s license, get married. You may be on this earth physically, but you don’t exist on paper.
Juanes Lopez thinks he was born in October 2001 and has never been to school because his birth was never registered.
Yesterday David & James found his birth registry in the medical records of small hospital.
Juanes was born September 7, 2001!
Still working on getting it legally registered and getting a birth certificate.
Just another way to bring ‪#‎HOPE‬ to the boys in Zone 18.
‪#‎engadi‬ ‪#‎brotherhood‬ ‪#‎esperanza‬ ‪#‎hermandad‬
Juan Jose Lopez

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