Daily Prayer Request- October 22

Daily Prayer Request:
Communication can be difficult at times between those ministering in Guatemala, the ministry’s board of directors in the states, and each of the churches that are involved in the life of Engadi Ministries. Pray for clarity and simplicity in communication between each of these crucial elements of Engadi Ministries.

Daily Prayer Request- October 20

Daily Prayer Request:
Another huge part of communication that sustains Engadi Ministries is fundraising. Pray for wisdom for the individuals in the States who head up our fundraising efforts and develop new strategies and means of fundraising. Pray that the campaigns they come up with will equip people to give as God leads them in order to sustain ministry, outreach, and the spread of the Gospel in Guatemala.

Daily Prayer Request- October 19

Daily Prayer Request:
This week Engadi Ministries will be visited by a group of visionaries and leaders from Concord Church who have a heart to serve Christ. The purpose of the trip will be to gain more information on what Engadi Ministries is all about and how they can be involved in the ministry. Pray for clear communication of the vision and purpose of Engadi Ministries to these individuals this week.

Daily Prayer Request- October 18

Daily Prayer Request:
Engadi Ministries is constantly seeking new ways to share the vision of the ministry to others including individuals, small groups and churches. Pray for opportunities for the work and mission of Engadi Ministries to be shared with others. Pray for God to provide us with new relationships and partners who we can share the need, work, and vision of the ministry with.

Weekly Prayer Topic- Communications

A large part of what Engadi Ministries does is communicate the needs of the boys and families of Guatemala to others who can help minimize the needs through time, prayer, and donations. Without clear communication, Engadi Ministries would not be able to exist as a ministry, much less minister to and help the lost in Guatemala. Join us this week as we specifically pray for several current needs that the ministry has in regards to communication.

Daily Prayer Request- October 17

To date, God has been extremely faithful in providing funds for each staff member and outreach program that Engadi Ministries conducts throughout each year. We would like to pause today to thank God for His faithfulness in providing for the ministry. We thank Him for providing in times of surplus, and we thank Him for providing for every need in times when we otherwise could not continue.

Daily Prayer Request- October 16

Engadi is a steadily growing ministry. Pray that as the ministry grows, it would keep a sustainable and accountable budget that glorifies God. Pray that the budgets set with the next few years of growth would support the outreach and longevity of the ministry that Engadi desires.

Daily Prayer Request- October 15

Even though teams only partner with Engadi Ministries for scheduled weeks during the year, ministry and construction are taking place year round. Pray for God to provide needed funds to continue construction on the Engadi Ranch as well as ministry in Paraíso through the end of the year. If you would like to make a year-end tax deductible donation, you can do so through the Donate link on our website.

Daily Prayer Request- October 14

Engadi Ministries relies on many churches to support the work it does in Guatemala. Pray the current relationships with churches will continue to grow, and also that God would provide more churches to become involved in the work He is doing in Guatemala. If your church is interested in possible partnering with Engadi Ministries, contact us at hello@engadiministries.org.

Daily Prayer Request- October 13

God has placed God-sized plans on the heart of Engadi Ministries for the 2016 year. We plan on conducting a scholarship program for more children, continuing the Derek Program for boys that was initiated in 2015, opening the doors of our first boys’ home, hosting more teams, among many other things. Pray that God provides all that we need to accomplish these goals in the upcoming year. If you would like to give to these goals, you can do so by clicking the Donate link on our website.