Step by Step

This week, Engadi staff held a quarterly meeting to discuss ministry in Paraíso and bring together the roles of each staff member to reach out to the youth with an increased focus on the young men in the Derek Program. During the meeting, plans were finalized to host a free soccer camp for children in Paraíso next week during the end-of-the-year break from school. Staff also gathered to create personalized action plans of how we can best help individual young men within Engadi’s Derek Program.
While it is often easy to stereotype and group together all of the children living in Paraíso, in reality, each child comes from a different background, has a different story and faces different struggles. Engadi’s drive is to meet each young man where he is and walk with him through his trials. We want to be his coach, mentor, and supporter while teaching each boy to pursue Christ in all that he does. Engadi seeks to find the hopes, strengths, and dreams of each young man in order to refine them and help them flourish. Through providing #hope and #brotherhood to each of these boys, Engadi is step by step transforming the community of Paraíso.

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