Tools for Success

This week, Engadi Ministries recognized students within the schools system of Paraíso who completed Engadi’s Scholarship Program for the 2016 school year. Over the years, Engadi has discovered that many children in Paraíso stop attending school altogether due to a lack of basic school supplies that their families cannot afford. In an effort to provide a practical solution to this problem, Engadi has teamed up with students, teachers, and families to help them obtain the necessary materials for success allowing children to continue pursuing the hopes and dreams they have.
Donated supplies were sorted, packaged, and provided to students and parents who had completed several requirements. Families first attended Biblically-based family values classes taught by Engadi’s Director of Discipleship, David Medina, followed by completing a number of hours volunteering within their community creating a brotherhood of parents within the community. In doing so, Engadi partnered with seventy students to help them earn the supplies needed to continue their elementary school education.
Engadi Ministries also partnered with directors, faculty, and teachers within the four elementary schools to allow them to earn supply packages for their classrooms, since teachers are often forced to purchase the majority of necessary supplies by their own means. Sixty-six teachers who voluntarily attended Biblically-based teamwork classes, also taught by David Medina were provided with a package of supplies to help meet their needs within the classroom.
Finally, to close out the day, Nathan and Claudia Hardeman along with Manuel Fajardo, Darlyn Iquic and Ellie Carr presented each of the boys within Engadi’s Derek Program with a package of school supplies at the newly renovated Engadi Transformation Center. Just another way Engadi is seeking to bring hope and brotherhood to Paraíso through the legacy of today’s children.
Thank you to all who donated supplies and made this year’s scholarship program a success in Paraíso.
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Back to School

Engadi Ministries Intl. has partnered with families for the second year in a row to help families in Paraíso who otherwise can’t afford school supplies to earn them by giving back to their community. This week staff members worked together to package school supplies for children who completed Engadi’s scholarship program for the 2016 school year. In order to earn school supplies, children and families had to give back to their community through a variety of projects, and also were required to attend Biblically-based family values classes provided by Engadi.
When asked, one local boy said that he had quit attending school regularly because the teacher was always asking him where his school supplies were, and his family didn’t have the money to buy him any. He said that it was too embarrassing to not have the tools he needed, and he would rather not go than be embarrassed, in spite of the fact that he wants to become a lawyer when he grows up.
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It is our goals to work with families hand-in-hand to allow them to earn necessities such as school supplies. Through these small packages of school supplies, Engadi Ministries can continue building relationships and fostering the future hopes of students and teachers in Paraíso through improving the quality of education they receive.
#engadi #hope #brotherhood

2016 Engadi Team T-Shirt

2016 T-Shirt Design
The much awaited 2016 Engadi Tee is here! Shirts are available
in2016 T-Shirt Design long-sleeved, short-sleeved, sweatshirt, and tank-top styles, with a variety of colors available. These shirts are a great conversation starter, and a way that YOU can be involved in sharing how Engadi Ministries is working to bring hope and brotherhood to the slums of Guatemala City by raising up Mighty Men of God who can be leaders within their communities. As a bonus, a portion of all T-shirt proceeds will be donated directly to Engadi Ministries Intl. from Mesa Clothing.
You can show your support for Engadi Ministries and purchase your T-shirt by clicking here, or copy and paste the link below in your web browser.
Shirts will only be available for a limited time. Don’t miss the opportunity to purchase your tee today!!

Engadi Staff Attends Caregiver Training

Caregiver Training
Last week, Engadi’s Director of Discipleship, David Medina, and houseparents, James and Ellie Carr attended a caregiver training seminar as we move closer to the date when Engadi Ministries will open the doors of the Benaiah House, it’s first boys home. The three day course, called (Un)Adopted, was provided by Lifeline Children’s Services, and hosted at a local children’s home here in Guatemala. The classes covered topics related to assessing and responding to the needs of children from troubled backgrounds within a home environment.
The courses covered practical tips that we will be able to implement into our daily lives within the Benaiah Home to foster the hope and brotherhood within the young men living there, while providing them with a secure environment in which to live and meeting their physical needs as well. We look forward to implementing these tasks as we begin taking in boys over the next few weeks.