Monday Discipleship Groups in Paraíso

Manuel leading Monday morning's Bible study in the Engadi Transformation Center in Paraíso

Manuel leading Monday morning’s Bible study in the Engadi Transformation Center in Paraíso

Every Monday in Paraíso, Manuel, Engadi’s Community Outreach Coordinator, leads two Bible Studies for the young men in the Derek Program. The studies offer the boys a time of Biblical teaching and Spiritual growth, as well as a time to bond and build #brotherhood between them. Since the study began in September, the boys have come to love their time together learning Biblical lessons and how they can apply them to their individual lives. 10-year-old Canche, one of the boys in the Derek Program looks forward to his small group each week, and especially loves learning new lessons from the Bible. Also, 9-year-old Anthony’s favorite part of his small group is learning new Biblical stories, his favorite so far being Noah’s Ark.
While it is wonderful to see each boy helping out in his community and focusing on his education while in the Derek Program, Engadi also focuses heavily on creating a foundation in Christ in order to give each boy a strong base from which he can continue developing in every other aspect. We are thankful for this opportunity to work closely with each of these bright young men and watch them learn and grow in their personal walks with God through this intimate discipleship group.
Weekly Discipleship classes in the Engadi Transformation Center Weekly Discipleship classes in the Engadi Transformation Center

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