Education In Guatemala

Guatemala’s educational system is one of the poorest, and arguably one of the worst in Central America. Although literacy and schooling rates are growing nationwide, the country as a whole still lags behind most other Central American nations, and Paraíso is no exception. Nearly one quarter of the country’s population is illiterate, and many kids drop out of school at a young age to begin helping provide for their family, whether it be working to make a few dollars a day or taking care of younger siblings while parents work. Only about one-third of children will continue their education beyond sixth grade.
It is for these reasons that Engadi Ministries places a high emphasis on improving education as a whole in Paraíso. Through a yearly scholarship program Engadi provides school supplies to families, teachers, and faculty who otherwise couldn’t afford them. We also provide periodical classes to educate and create a #brotherhood between teachers and also provide them with resources to enhance the educational experience of students. Over the past several years Engadi has also focused on cleaning up and repainting schools to provide an atmosphere of #hope where children can learn. Through these means as well as other programs that are still being developed, Engadi hopes to improve the overall education in Paraíso, making it an exception to Guatemalan statistics, and giving children a bright future full of opportunities.
Statistics from:

ETC Inspirational Mural

This week, while the majority of the team from Clayton King Ministries was busy doing outreach in local elementary schools and hosting events on Paraíso’s main soccer field, a special team of artists within the team was working on a special project within the Engadi Transformation Center. Mixing their own colors of paint using only a few basic colors, the team created a beautiful mural in the main classroom of the Engadi Transformation Center!
The center of the mural features Engadi’s signature “Oak of Righteousness” based off of Isaiah 61:1-6. Beside the oak are Engadi’s guiding values of Hope and Brotherhood written in Spanish.
The right third of the mural features a typical Guatemalan style pueblo with a backdrop of one of Guatemala’s many volcanoes. At the center is a church surrounded by homes and other small businesses.
On the far left side of the painting is a more modern city featuring a hospital, fire station, bank, and crane to signify new development. The city is surrounded by a busy highway of cars trucks and buses. The old and new communities represent the mix of cultures in Guatemala and the vast options that each of the children in Paraíso have for careers, homes, and community life when they grow up. The mural delivers a message to the children who will be using the center that they are capable of anything with God when they put their minds to it. Across the bottom, tying the sections together is painted, “Be strong and brave and do not fear.” Joshua 1:9.
The team did an awesome job on the mural! It very clearly delivers a message of #hope and #brotherhood to all who will be using the ETC for classes and community events. Thank you Clayton King Ministries for this awesome work of art!

New Paint for the Transformation Center

The team from Clayton King Ministries spent their last workday in Paraíso painting the Engadi Transformation Center, Engadi’s physical center within the community. Throughout the day, the team painted almost the entire interior and exterior of the building giving it a whole new look. The team cleaned and brightened the walls with a bright yellow paint that closely resembles the colors used in other work Engadi has done within the community such as painting the local schools. Their work really brightened up the center, and with just a new coat of paint, the building now has a new sense of #hope and #brotherhood upon entering the door. We are excited to continue our community events and classes within the walls of the ETC, and are excited for the community to see and experience the changes that the team brought to the center.

Outreach Weekend in Paraíso

Leading worship through English and Spanish songs for the community

Leading worship through English and Spanish songs for the community

Over the weekend, with the help of Clayton King Ministries, Engadi Ministries hosted an outreach weekend in Paraíso.  Several hundred children and families were in attendance throughout the weekend, and had the opportunity to hear the Gospel through testimonies, skits, and messages by Clayton King.
Sharie and Clayton King playing with children in Paraíso Guatemala

Sharie and Clayton King playing with children in Paraíso Guatemala

Saturday’s activities formed an all-day event that started out with activities and free play at Paraíso’s main soccer stadium. Activities included salvation bracelets, nail-painting for girls, face painting, and of course, pick-up soccer matches.


The kids loved the salvation bracelets made by the team.

The kids loved the salvation bracelets made by the team.

After the children and families had spent time playing and getting to know the team, everyone settled into the stadium to hear testimonies, watch skits, and hear a special messages from Clayton and Sharie King. All in attendance were invited to a local church near Paraíso where the team would be attending the next morning. Several people attended the church for the first time Sunday morning!
Leading worship through English and Spanish songs in Paraíso

Leading worship through English and Spanish songs in Paraíso

Having fun with the inflatables on Sunday afternoon

Having fun with the inflatables on Sunday afternoon

Sharing testimonies to the community in Paraíso

Sharing testimonies to the community in Paraíso

Sharing God's word with the community through skits

Sharing God’s word with the community through skits

Sharing testimonies to the community in Paraíso

Sharing testimonies to the community in Paraíso

Sharie and Clayton King sharing the Gospel with the community in Paraíso

Sharie and Clayton King sharing the Gospel with the community in Paraíso

Clayton King delivering a message to the community on Saturday

Clayton King delivering a message to the community on Saturday

On Sunday, the team hosted a fun family festival which included inflatables for the kids, jumping rope, parachute games, and nail painting. At the end of the day, a message was shared by Clayton King to all who were in attendance. To close out the weekend, the team gave thanks to God through prayer in front of the community, and popsicles were shared with all!
Having fun with the inflatables on Sunday afternoon

Having fun with the inflatables on Sunday afternoon

Jump rope competitions in Paraíso

Jump rope competitions in Paraíso

#hope #brotherhood #engadi

#hope #brotherhood #engadi

Showing Christ's love to the least, the lost, and the forgotten of Guatemala

Showing Christ’s love to the least, the lost, and the forgotten of Guatemala

Clayton King preached Sunday's afternoon message to the community.

Clayton King preached Sunday’s afternoon message to the community.

Making Salvation bracelets for children in Paraíso

Making Salvation bracelets for children in Paraíso

Showing Christ's love to the least, the lost, and the forgotten of Guatemala

Showing Christ’s love to the least, the lost, and the forgotten of Guatemala

Happiness from being pampered and having paired toenails!

Happiness from being pampered and having paired toenails!

Sunday closed with popsicles for all of the children!

Sunday closed with popsicles for all of the children!

Engadi thanks Clayton King Ministries for making this weekend outreach a success in Paraíso. We are humbled to continue to be able to share Christ’s love to Paraíso and bring legacy and restoration to the community through #hope and #brotherhood.

Paraíso School Outreach with Clayton King Ministries

This past Thursday and Friday, with the help of our fist team from Clayton King Ministries, Engadi was able to host several days of outreach and educational support in local schools. Each day, the team divided up and taught songs, skits, and Biblically-based lessons to elementary and middle-school kids. With the help of four local translators, the teams were able to teach and play with the children while Clayton King delivered the Gospel message to their parents the very same day. Several hundred students, teachers and parents have been impacted by their work over the past two days.
We thank Clayton King Ministries for their investment into the children of Paraíso and for reaching out to show Christ’s love to the least, the lost, and the forgotten of Guatemala.
#engadi #hope #brotherhood

Engadi Partners with Clayton King Ministries

This week is a very special week for Engadi Ministries Intl, as we are hosting our very first team from Clayton King Ministries. The week will be focused on working within the school system of Paraíso as well as hosting evangelistic community development events throughout the weekend. To top if off, we are pleased to have Clayton King, himself joining the team to share the Gospel message in Paraíso over the next several days.
Yesterday, the team had an overall great day working in the largest elementary school in the area. In both the morning and afternoon sessions, Clayton King shared the Gospel with parents of students, where God provided an awesome turnout of several hundred parents throughout the day. The parents were extremely interactive and responsive to the message delivered, and those who dedicated their lives to Christ were encouraged to follow up with a local church or with an Engadi staff ember within Engadi’s Transformation Center which is located just across the street from the school. To close out the day, Clayton shared the Gospel with older children who were finishing up their school day that evening. The children were also quite interactive and loved having a guest speaker from the U.S. share his heart with them.

Update on Don Chepe

Don Chepe was discharged from the hospital after his surgery in February and is at home continuing to recover. He has regained 90% of function in his left hand where he broke 4 fingers in the accident. He has begun to be able to bend his left leg and is starting physical therapy to improve strength and mobility from where the bones were shattered. We are happy to see his recuperation taking place steadily and thank God for His faithfulness with Don Chepe’s health.
Beto is continuing his recovery at home and is also healing well from their accident in January. We thank you all for your prayers and support for our workers over the past several months.
#‎engadi‬ ‪#‎hope‬

Evidence of Brotherhood #2

Brayan, one of the boys within the Derek Program who lives with his mother and siblings, recently moved away from the Paraíso community due to not having a stable house to live in with the community. Brayan, however, is determined not to let this pull him away from the Derek Program. Every week he seeks out transportation to go to Paraíso several times so that he doesn’t miss out on his discipleship groups or partaking in community service with the other Derek boys. In fact, his devotion to the #brotherhood that the Derek group provides is so strong that in April, he earned perfect attendance by not missing a single Derek event that month! We are astonished by his hard work and determination to not let the current circumstances of his family hold him back from his personal hopes and dreams or spiritual growth. Way to go Brayan!
Brayan Segura

Derek Outing to the Movies

201604 theater
Last Friday, Engadi staff members, James, David, and Manuel had the opportunity to take a handful of the boys in the Derek Program who have really shown excellent performance in their work over the past several months. Fifteen boys qualified for the outing by having high attendance records at their weekly discipleship groups and community service activities, and out of those fifteen, fourteen had perfect attendance during the last period of Bible studies, setting a record since the Derek Group started last year.  Going to the movies is a special treat that few of these boys get to do often based on their socioeconomic status and limited resources within their families.  We are thrilled to see the #brotherhood growing between these boys and and celebrating their hard work through an outing to the theater.
201604 theater 201604 theater