

Building Dignified Homes



As we work to lift an entire neighborhood out of poverty and help individuals reach their full potential in Christ, a dignified place to live is one of the greatest steps up a family can receive.

Fajardo Complex

Currently Engadi is focusing on building the Fajardo Complex.  In a small area covering about 1,100 square feet there sits a crumbling concrete home where four families live.  About 17 people call this space their home.
We hope to take that space and an additional lot and build an apartment complex for the four families, giving each family around 900 square feet, and providing additional common green space for everyone.
Learn more about the project, and discover how you can be a part of it.

Meet the Families

Olivia & Sons

Olivia Fajardo is the matriarch of the family.  She has been a part of our ministry work in Zone 18 since 1996 when we first met.  She has 10 adult children.  Two of her sons, Geovanni and Christian, still live with her. Geovanni works as computer instructor in a school nearby.  Christian is speech impaired and works odd jobs when he can get them.
(Christian not pictured.)

Iris Calderon

Iris Calderon is Olivia’s second oldest daughter.  Sadly her husband was run over by a drunk driver in 2011.  Iris was left alone to fight for her kids future. She has 5 children: Tony is one of the Derek Boys and is hoping to study Business Administration in the University, Jennifer is studying pre-med and hopes to get into the university soon,  Karen is studying tourism, Janet is in middle school, and Jefferson is anxious to join the Derek Boys when he turns 9.

Martha Arana

Martha Arana is Olivia’s third child.  She has had a rough past, but thankfully she has found stability back at home. Danny, her eldest, is one of Engadi’s inspirational stories as he works tirelessly to complete high school. Meylin, her second, wants to be a tour guide.  Jessica, Rebekah, Robin, & Eric are all enjoying elementary school.

Manuel Fajardo

Manuel Fajardo is Olivia’s fifth child.  He is an integral part of Engadi’s ministry work in the Paraíso Neighborhood.  He has served his community since 2014 as Engadi’s Neighborhood Coordinator. He is currently getting his degree in Social Work at the Marian Galvez University and hopes to propose to his girlfriend Jaqui soon.

The complex comprises of a two story building with four apartments. Each apartment is identical with three bedrooms, a kitchen, living room and a bathroom.  The building will sit on the edge of a ravine and will need a strong retaining wall to hold it up.

Consider donating to help build this life changing project.

Click below to donate:

0% funded
Hey! We've raised Q 0 of the Q 182,000.00 we need for this blessing to become a reality!


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If there is any other donation you would like to make or some other special arrangement you need, please let us know and we can work with you.  EMAIL US


According to IRS law, all funds received become property of Engadi Ministries.  For a donation to be tax-deductible, it must be given to a non-profit organization and that organization must control the funds completely.  Engadi is dedicated to ensuring the funds given are used accordingly, but by law, we legally reserve the right to apply the funds wherever necessary at the discretion of our leadership.


Is a Legally registered 501 (c) 3 with the IRS in the USA.  Your donations are tax deductible.  We send tax receipts out once a year in January.