

Transforming Families One Life at a Time


Lots Purchased

As we work to lift an entire neighborhood out of poverty and help individuals reach their full potential in Christ, the Engadi Center has been a key element in that process.
Since December 2015 we have been renting a small 1,200 sq ft house as our ministry center in the Paraíso Neighborhood.  It has been a great space for families to come searching for home, to host Bible studies and to help kids transform their futures.  We have, however, quickly outgrown it.  For about two years we have been busting at the seams.
It is time to think to the future and grow with the never ending demand of kids wanting to get ahead.  We are hoping to purchase a piece of property and build a three story facility giving us over 7,000 sq. ft. of ministry space.  We are currently in the design phase.  
Learn more about the project, the families we will be blessing and how you can be a part of it.

The Future Engadi Center will be a three-story complex. The first floor will have parking space in the back, reception, counseling, offices, a computer lab and a workshop out back.

The second floor holds a Culinary Arts Studio, four large classrooms and common area that could function as a cafe.   

The top floor is one large chapel area that can seat 176 people!  We pray one day this will be used as a common meeting area for worship and corporate Bible study.

The final building will be a beacon of hope for the community shining Christ’s light to all that come through its doors. For now we are just raising the funds to purchase the land. Later on we will focus our efforts on raising the funds for each stage of construction.

Consider donating to help build this life changing project.

We want to purchase 6 lots of land in the middle of the Paraíso Neighborhood to build our new Engadi Center.  Consider supporting Engadi’s future expansion by donating a square foot, a square yard, a full lot or as much as you are able to give. Click below to donate now:

0% funded
Hey! We've raised Q 0 of the Q 125,000.00 we need for this beacon of hope to get started!


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If there is any other donation you would like to make or some other special arrangement you need, please let us know and we can work with you.  EMAIL US


According to IRS law, all funds received become property of Engadi Ministries.  For a donation to be tax-deductible, it must be given to a non-profit organization and that organization must control the funds completely.  Engadi is dedicated to ensuring the funds given are used accordingly, but by law, we legally reserve the right to apply the funds wherever necessary at the discretion of our leadership.


Is a Legally registered 501 (c) 3 with the IRS in the USA. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.  We send tax receipts out once a year in January.