Entries by engadi_zjs4an

New Team Members and Partners

In the past couple months, our team has started to come together one person at at a time. We are so excited to see what God does with all these team members. To help us with the licensing and management we hired an architect named Louis Perdomo. With his help we are hoping to get […]

God’s Promised Land!

It has been amazing to see how God has been faithful in providing for Engadi Ministries over the past two years. Since May 2009 the boys’ home ministry has been running full steam ahead. Here is a quick run down: May 2009 We begin to pray for 2 acres of land at $150,000 to build […]

Reaching the End of the Trail

One of my favorite things to do in the whole world is to hike volcanoes.  My favorite hike is the Santa Maria Volcano in my home town of Quetzaltenango.  You start out at about 8,000Ft and over 4 hours you climb up to nearly 13,00Ft.  At the top the view is incredible!  On a clear […]

New Ministry Partners

One of the biggest challenges we have faced is the fact that we are alone in this ministry work. We know you guys are all praying for us, but I mean on a day-to-day basis. In the last month God has begun to build a team that will help accomplish the vision He is laying […]

We Have the Land!

For those of you who have been praying the purchase of land, I wanted to let you know that we have reached the purchase price for the land as of October 8th! We were able to pay the land owner in full the $150,000 two weeks before it was due. God is our great provider! […]

Let’s Finish the Beginning

We are close to the finish line in getting the land for the Boys’ Home here in Guatemala. As of last count we are just $5,000 short of the $150,000.00 purchase price. On top of that we need around $25,000 for sales tax, registration fees, and other legal expenses. We have to have these funds […]

Another death in Zone 18

Rosenda Lemus and her mother, Berta de Lemus, were shot and killed near the elementary school in the Paradise neighborhood. Berta is Joel Lemus’s mother, too. Rosenda and Berta lived on the edge of the Ratonera (Literally “the Rats’ Nest”) neighborhood across from the soccer stadium we built. Rosenda leaves behind three teenage girls, Katherine […]