Entries by engadi_zjs4an

Summer Volunteers 2016

This Summer, we have been blessed with the help of three volunteers to partner with us throughout the months of June and July. We are thank fun for the abilities and talents that each of them brings to share with us this Summer, and want to introduce each one. Brenda is from South Carolina and […]

Derek Retreat in Benaiah Home

This week, Engadi hosted it’s first ever retreat for boys in the Derek Program. Some of the oldest and most active boys in the program were invited to Engadi’s Benaiah Home for a three-day retreat. Six boys were able to attend the event and arrived to the house Tuesday afternoon. The retreat served several purposes, […]

Derek Group Outing to Scaled Relief Map

This week, the highest performing boys within Engadi’s Derek Group took a special outing to one of Guatemala City’s educational attractions- a scaled relief map of nations Guatemala and Belize. The map, which was created by explorer Francisco Vela at the beginning of the 20th century, is a 3D portrayal of both countries with mountains, […]

Evidences of Hope- #3

Engadi has recently initiated English classes as another way to bring #hope to Paraíso. While learning a second language may be a leisure pursuit for some, to the boys in Paraíso it could lead to new job opportunities, even some that they otherwise would have been disqualified from due to the neighborhood in which they […]

Evidences of Brotherhood- #3

Through the English classes that were initiated in Paraíso last week, Engadi has been able to create an even stronger #brotherhood within the boys in the Derek Program. This #brotherhood can be seen especially between Engadi staff members and the boys during their lessons. While working on the computers, boys have a mentor with them […]

Education In Guatemala

Guatemala’s educational system is one of the poorest, and arguably one of the worst in Central America. Although literacy and schooling rates are growing nationwide, the country as a whole still lags behind most other Central American nations, and Paraíso is no exception. Nearly one quarter of the country’s population is illiterate, and many kids […]

ETC Inspirational Mural

This week, while the majority of the team from Clayton King Ministries was busy doing outreach in local elementary schools and hosting events on Paraíso’s main soccer field, a special team of artists within the team was working on a special project within the Engadi Transformation Center. Mixing their own colors of paint using only […]