Entries by engadi_zjs4an

Evidences of Brotherhood- #1

In the months since acquiring and renovating the Engadi Transformation Center in Paraíso, Engadi has seen a strong #brotherhood form between the boys within the Derek Program. The boys can often be found in the ETC during their downtime on their own accord, whether they be cleaning the building, browsing through Engadi’s collection of children […]

Watkinsville Finishes Workweek

Yesterday, the Watkinsville high school team finished up their workweek in Paraíso. The team of one nine individuals finished all of the major playground structures, and neighbors and local residents are thrilled! You can sense the renewed feeling of #hope within the neighborhood almost instantly. The team did awesome work on the playground, and as […]

Evidence of Hope- #1

Each day this week, as the team of students from Watkinsville FBC arrived to work on Paraíso’s first community playground, they experienced evidences of #hope within the community located in Guatemala City’s northern slums. Upon arriving to the central playground, the team encountered mothers with their children playing together on the unfinished structures. Mothers who […]

Watkinsville Family Fun Day in Paraíso

Yesterday marked yet another day of bringing #hope and #brotherhood to Paraíso through hosting local families at an open neighborhood community space to bond through fun and games. The team of high school students from Watkinsville FBC spent the afternoon yesterday playing games and drawing with local children and their parents. Engadi was able to use […]

Derek Group Takes Outing for Ice Cream

This week, boys within the Derek Program who succeeded in having satisfactory attendance in both community service and their weekly discipleship group were treated to a trip out of Paraíso for ice cream with Engadi staff members- David, James, and Manuel. Over the past several months, the #brotherhood of young men has formed a tighter […]

Benaiah Home Update

Engadi Ministries is excited to announce that we are on the verge of taking three at-risk young men into the Benaiah Home. This marks a milestone of growth for the ministry, and while we are very close to welcoming all three boys into the home, there are still several things that must take place before […]

#StartWithASmile Campaign

This week, Engadi Ministries, along with many other charitable organizations worldwide, is taking part in Amazon Smile’s #StartWithASmile campaign. The campaign seeks to raise awareness and share help Engadi and similar organizations share their stories using social media to allow readers like you to be informed on how we are changing lives, and let you […]

Beds Delivered To Benaiah Home

Imagine growing up without a bed to call your own. Perhaps your bed was a shared couch your family found in a trash heap just outside their squatter community. Maybe it was a simple bedroll of cushion spread out on a dirt floor each night. If you were lucky enough to have a mattress, it […]

Thank You, Asbury 2016!

The team of youth from Asbury First United Methodist Church finished up their work week by spending their last work day working on paving the road that leads to Engadi Ranch, the future site of Engadi’s complex of homes, schools, and recreational centers for at-risk boys. The team worked on one of the last sections […]