Engadi Discussed in TEDx Talk

In recent weeks, Engadi Ministries had the privilege of being discussed during the TEDxUGA conference in Athens, GA. During Phillip and Eileen Blume’s talk titled, “Trading Selfies for Selflessness,” the ministry was featured as an example of how everyone can use their own creativity to help others.
TEDx talks are prestigious events held around the world. The events promote open communication of “ideas worth sharing,” to help communities, movements, and individuals create conversations that will further their visions. During the recent TEDxUGA conference in Athens, GA, one of Engadi’s board members, and long-time supporters of Engadi’s vision, Phillip Blume and his wife, Eileen, of Blume Photography, had the opportunity to speak openly about how they have chosen to use their creativity to make a difference in the world. We encourage you to check it out, and explore ways that you can use your OWN creativity to do what God is calling you to do!

“Phillip and Eileen Blume are award-winning photographers and socially conscious creatives who believe in the power of visual artists to change the world. They work with wedding couples worldwide and are the founders of ComeUNITY Workshops for photographers . They also invest in personal projects, such as their 2011 documentary film Lost Boys of Paradise, which screened nationwide to benefit children in third-world slums. As educators, the Blumes have been seen on CreativeLIVE and speak at many top industry events about the art and business of photography. Phillip is a contributor to Shutter Magazine (now available at all Barnes & Noble locations), and the pair live with their children in rural Georgia.”

The Value of Short-Term Mission Teams

In ministry, there is a constant struggle between raising funds and using volunteers. Well-intentioned individuals fly down for a week to pour their heart into a ministry they barely kninternshipsow. Tens of thousands of dollars are spent on airfare, lodging, and local transportation. Many times, it is little more than poverty tourism. I’m regularly asked if it wouldn’t be more beneficial for people to just send the funds they would spend coming so I could hire local help. The simple answer is, “Yes,” but the reality is most people wouldn’t give the money, if we are honest. Short-term teams rush in and rush out of our lives as career missionaries, many times never looking back or never being truly impacted themselves. However, there are moments of tremendous blessing.
8949821269_2a807b0055_oThe best way to express what short-term teams do is by sharing a story. Engadi Ministries works in one of the most
dangerous slums in Guatemala. In 2006 we decided to build a soccer facility on a local sandlot. It wasn’t anything real fancy, just some stadium seating along a mud slope up one side of the field. A team from Anderson University was here laying concrete blocks and painting Bible verses on a wall at one end of field. A guy that had had a beer or twelve wandered up and started eyeing the young ladies as they painted the verses. I approached him and said, “Hi.” He replied, “Why?” It caught me off guard, because I wasn’t expecting that response. Again I said, “Hi”. He again said, “Why?”, but this time gestured toward the team working on the stadium. “Why are they here?” I briefly explained how they had raised their funds to come down paying for their airfare, lodging, meals, etc. all because of the Love Christ had placed in their heart for Guatemala. Jorge accepted the Lord that day and asked me to go pray for his house. He said, “The shadows don’t let me sleep.” I invited AU’s Director of Campus Ministry, Greg Allgood, to go help me cast out demons. Something neither of us had ever done. Two days later I was supervising the work and this guy walked up to me and sad, “Hi.” I greeted him politely and went on with what I as doing. He just stood there staring at me with a goofy grin on his face. I said, “Can I help you?” “It’s me,” he replied, “Jorge.” God had changed him to the point that, in two days, I couldn’t recognize him. Because a team came to Guatemala to build a soccer stadium one man’s life was touched by God. Jorge led his family to Christ. They brought 4 other families to Church and in the end an entire section of the neighborhood was impacted. The short-term team was oblivious to most of this.
The debate over going or just sending money will go on forever. There is a need for both. My good friend, Preston Hester, was a faithful supporter of all our work since 1999 until he went on to be with the Lord. He, however, never came to Guatemala to see what we were doing. I asked him to p9395770764_79733ec926_olease come to the dedication of the soccer stadium. Preston simply said, “I know you and trust you. I would rather give you what I would spend going than go.” In his case, he did. I also think about Dr Mike Gilbreath, a Veterinarian, that came on a short-term team. At the end of the week Mike said to me, “I’m not ever coming back.” I would rather send you the funds.” He, too, kept his word and became one of our strongest supporters. Ellie and James Carr came on a short-term trip as college students and years later have returned with their daughter to help out for the long haul. Even people like Jared Vaughn that haven’t been back to Guatemala in a long time, but their time here helped inspire him to go as a career missionary to Asia.
Guatemala 001 - Version 2People need to see the need. A friend of mine always says, “How can your heart weep for that which your eyes have not seen?” There must be a measure of coming and doing, but it needs to be balanced, purposeful, and done right. Short-term teams come to work alongside those on the field permanently, not to give them more work. Large groups can advance a particular labor intensive job quickly. Simply, the team’s presence lets the locals know someone cares. Teachers come and train people with new skills and talents. Medical teams come to provide a service many couldn’t afford. Finally, they encourage those of us here on the field long-term.
We look forward to seeing you on a short-term team soon. As I always pray, “May your eyes, your ears and your heart be open to sense what God is telling YOU to do.”Screen Shot 2014-09-22 at 1.52.46 PM
Laboring Together for the Poor,
Nathan Hardeman
Executive Director & Founder
Engadi Ministries, Intl.

#StartWithASmile Campaign

This week, Engadi Ministries, along with many other charitable organizations worldwide, is taking part in Amazon Smile’s #StartWithASmile campaign. The campaign seeks to raise awareness and share help Engadi and similar organizations share their stories using social media to allow readers like you to be informed on how we are changing lives, and let you know ways that you can get involved (at no extra cost to you)!
Here are two ways you can help Engadi Ministries when you #StartWithASmile:
1) You can help support Engadi financially when you do your regular Amazon shopping through Amazon Smile. Just follow the link smile.amazon.com/ch/45-4213421 and log in to your usual Amazon account. Make sure Engadi Ministries Intl. is your selected organization, and you all set! Do your regular Amazon shopping with the same selection, same prices, and same great service, and when you check out, Amazon will automatically donate 0.5% of the total of your eligible purchases to Engadi. It’s that simple, and costs you no extra!
2) You can also help get the word out about Engadi by sharing posts you see on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. This is one of the fastest, easiest, and best ways that you can spread the word of how Engadi is working to bring #hope and #brotherhood to Paraíso, a small impoverished community in the northern slums of Guatemala.

TEDxUGA 2016 : Illuminate

Esteemed photographers Phillip and Eileen Blume of Blume Photography will be speaking live this Friday at the TEDxUGA event. Their talk will have a focus on Engadi Ministries, and ways that they have partnered to help bring awareness to children living in slums of Guatemala City such as Paraíso. In 2012, the Blumes wrote, directed, produced “The Lost Boys of Paradise,” a documentary film on Engadi Ministries Intl. Since then, they have also created short films as follow up pieces to their full-length film, and also continue to serve on Engadi Ministries’ Board of Directors.

Phillip Blume of Blume Photography on location in Guatemala in January, 2016.

Phillip Blume of Blume Photography on location in Guatemala in January, 2016.

The event, which will be held at the University of Georgia can be streamed online at tedxuga.com/livestream. The Blumes will be speaking at approximately 3:45 pm EST. You can catch the LIVE simulcast of the entire event from 1:00-5:00 pm EST, this Friday, March 18 at TEDxUGA.com. We encourage you to tune in live Friday to hear Phillip and Eileen as we are excited to hear their “ideas worth spreading.”

“Ideas have the power to educate, motivate, inspire, and illuminate. Great ideas light a fire within us, and often the biggest ideas start with the smallest of sparks: a spark of genius, a spark of imagination, or maybe even a spark of madness. The University of Georgia strives to seek out those sparks and illuminate the brilliance within us all. TEDxUGA 2016: Illuminate will bring UGA’s brightest minds into the spotlight to share their stories, experiences, and ideas worth spreading. Today’s ideas will illuminate tomorrow’s possibilities. All it takes is a single spark.”

#TEDxUGA #BlumePhotography #engadi

Video: Recent Updates and Ministry Progress, Spring 2016

Engadi Ministries wants to update you on the recent changes and strides we have made over the past six months. Check out this brief, two minute video on some of the changes you can expect to see on your next trip down to partner with Engadi Ministries in Guatemala. We praise God for what He is doing in Guatemala through Engadi to bring #hope and #brotherhood to the community of Paraíso.
Video Credit: Phillip Blume of Blume Photography and Film.

2016 Engadi Team T-Shirt

2016 T-Shirt Design
The much awaited 2016 Engadi Tee is here! Shirts are available
in2016 T-Shirt Design long-sleeved, short-sleeved, sweatshirt, and tank-top styles, with a variety of colors available. These shirts are a great conversation starter, and a way that YOU can be involved in sharing how Engadi Ministries is working to bring hope and brotherhood to the slums of Guatemala City by raising up Mighty Men of God who can be leaders within their communities. As a bonus, a portion of all T-shirt proceeds will be donated directly to Engadi Ministries Intl. from Mesa Clothing.
You can show your support for Engadi Ministries and purchase your T-shirt by clicking here, or copy and paste the link below in your web browser.
Shirts will only be available for a limited time. Don’t miss the opportunity to purchase your tee today!!

You Shop, Amazon Gives

Many of you are buying electronics this time of year and Amazon’s 2015 Electronics Gift Guide can help you find high-tech gifts for everyone on your list. You, too, can generate donations for Engadi Ministries International Foundation when you buy items on Amazon’s Electronics Gift Guide at smile.amazon.com. Help us bring hope and brotherhood to Paraíso by doing your shopping on smile.amazon.com!
#hope #brotherhood #engadi



Engadi Ministries has partnered with Amazon Smile to raise funds!
Every time you shop on Amazon, 0.5% of your total amount is donated to Engadi Ministries International. To get started, follow the link below to start donating as you spend: