Summer Volunteers 2016

This Summer, we have been blessed with the help of three volunteers to partner with us throughout the months of June and July. We are thank fun for the abilities and talents that each of them brings to share with us this Summer, and want to introduce each one.
Brenda is from South Carolina and will be working with Engadi throughout July. She will be using her teaching expertise to focus on leading English classes for the boys in the Derek Program, organizing English classes in local elementary schools, and leading workshops for local teachers to better equip them in the classroom. We are thankful for her dedication to #engadi and the skills and wisdom she brings to share with us!
Our second volunteer joining us for the summer is Brooklyn. Brooklyn is also from South Carolina and will be working with us into the month of August. She will be designing the decor of the Benaiah Home, continuing the portrayal of Engadi’s vision in our team house and office, as well as helping host our two summer teams from the States in July. We are grateful for Brooklyn’s continued dedication to bringing #hope and #brotherhood to the boys of Paraíso this summer.
Our third volunteer that will be joining us for the summer is Connor. From Oklahoma, Connor is majoring in Construction Management, and will be working in Guatemala with Engadi Ministries until the beginning of August. Connor is focusing on finishing construction of the Benaiah Home furnishings, programming software for the ministry, and helping host the two teams that will be joining us this summer.
We are thankful for the devotion of each of these volunteers to the vision of Engadi Ministries, and ask your prayers over them for the rest of the time that they are here serving with us. Pray that God will protect each of them, and that each will be able to be used in a mighty way for His Kingdom in spite of cultural and language barriers.
If you would like more information on how you could intern with Engadi, check ways you can GET INVOLVED in the main menu!

Update on Don Chepe

Don Chepe was discharged from the hospital after his surgery in February and is at home continuing to recover. He has regained 90% of function in his left hand where he broke 4 fingers in the accident. He has begun to be able to bend his left leg and is starting physical therapy to improve strength and mobility from where the bones were shattered. We are happy to see his recuperation taking place steadily and thank God for His faithfulness with Don Chepe’s health.
Beto is continuing his recovery at home and is also healing well from their accident in January. We thank you all for your prayers and support for our workers over the past several months.
#‎engadi‬ ‪#‎hope‬

Engadi Staff Attends Caregiver Training

Caregiver Training
Last week, Engadi’s Director of Discipleship, David Medina, and houseparents, James and Ellie Carr attended a caregiver training seminar as we move closer to the date when Engadi Ministries will open the doors of the Benaiah House, it’s first boys home. The three day course, called (Un)Adopted, was provided by Lifeline Children’s Services, and hosted at a local children’s home here in Guatemala. The classes covered topics related to assessing and responding to the needs of children from troubled backgrounds within a home environment.
The courses covered practical tips that we will be able to implement into our daily lives within the Benaiah Home to foster the hope and brotherhood within the young men living there, while providing them with a secure environment in which to live and meeting their physical needs as well. We look forward to implementing these tasks as we begin taking in boys over the next few weeks.

Step by Step

This week, Engadi staff held a quarterly meeting to discuss ministry in Paraíso and bring together the roles of each staff member to reach out to the youth with an increased focus on the young men in the Derek Program. During the meeting, plans were finalized to host a free soccer camp for children in Paraíso next week during the end-of-the-year break from school. Staff also gathered to create personalized action plans of how we can best help individual young men within Engadi’s Derek Program.
While it is often easy to stereotype and group together all of the children living in Paraíso, in reality, each child comes from a different background, has a different story and faces different struggles. Engadi’s drive is to meet each young man where he is and walk with him through his trials. We want to be his coach, mentor, and supporter while teaching each boy to pursue Christ in all that he does. Engadi seeks to find the hopes, strengths, and dreams of each young man in order to refine them and help them flourish. Through providing #hope and #brotherhood to each of these boys, Engadi is step by step transforming the community of Paraíso.

Moving Day

This week, Engadi Ministries’ houseparents, James and Ellie Carr, moved into the Benaiah House, a home the Lord has provided to be Engadi Ministries’ first boys’ home. The home is designed to house a maximum of nine at-risk boys, the houseparent family, and will also be Engadi’s home office in Guatemala.
The Carrs will spend the coming weeks preparing the house to take in boys, and the home will open its doors to boys from Paraíso early in 2016. This is the first step in getting the boys into a safe environment – sparking #hope and true #brotherhood for years to come.
To learn more about Engadi Ministries’ boys’ homes, click here.

Synergy Conference Visits Paraíso

Today, Engadi had the privilege of hosting a group of visionaries, pastors, mission leaders, and urban developers in Paraíso. We had the opportunity to guide a group of individuals and demonstrate many aspects of community transformation that Engadi is currently involved in such as bringing #hope to the local schools through painting and rejuvenation, and developing a #brotherhood of Mighty Men who can continue the legacy within their community. We also visited several families and community members that Engadi works closely with.
Tomorrow, as the closing day of the 2015 International Synergy Conference, we will be part of a round table discussion further learning about urban development, other urban ministries, and ways we can improve current strategies of community transformation in Paraíso.
#engadi #engadiministries #esperanza #hermandad

Synergy 2015 Conference

This week, staff members, Nathan, David, and James, will be attending an international conference known a Synergy. Synergy is a yearly event that happens in some of the largest urban areas in the world, and this year it happens to be held in Guatemala making it extremely convenient for Engadi to be a part of, and actually partner with in hosting.
The week long conference led by the Urban Training Collaborative (UTC) seeks to unite all types of organizations, political leaders, pastors, anthropologists, businessmen, and others to explore viable strategies of renovation transformation within an urban setting.
We seek to gain insight in ways that we can improve the innovation of Engadi Ministries and better deliver #hope and #brotherhood to the neighborhood of Paraíso within the slums Guatemala City.
#engadi #engadiministries #esperanza #hermandad

New Ministry Partners

One of the biggest challenges we have faced is the fact that we are alone in this ministry work. We know you guys are all praying for us, but I mean on a day-to-day basis. In the last month God has begun to build a team that will help accomplish the vision He is laying on our hearts.  ??First, we are in the process of developing a Board of Directors to help with administrative, legal and fundraising aspects in the ministry.
Pray for wisdom as we contact potential board members, and that God will lay a strong conviction to serve on their heart.
Secondly, God recently brought Matt & Molly Swanson into our lives.  After much prayer and talking, we (all 4 of us) believe there is a great potential for partnership. They are in the process of packing up their things in Tulsa, OK and hope to move to Guatemala in March 2011.  They have three boys: Josiah, Caleb and Noah.
Pray for them as they pack and prepare to come.
Thirdly, Kory Fain, a college student from McGregor Baptist Church in Florida, felt God telling him to take a few months off and come to Guatemala.  He will be moving down in February to help us host the many teams coming next year.
Pray for God’s provision and guidance in his life.
Finally, there is a long list of teams signing up to help out next year with the work to be done. We already have 10 teams coming between March & August.
Pray for each of the team leaders and the churches/ministries they represent, may God provide for all of their needs.
Thanks again for your prayers and interest in our ministry.

Let’s Finish the Beginning

We are close to the finish line in getting the land for the Boys’ Home here in Guatemala. As of last count we are just $5,000 short of the $150,000.00 purchase price. On top of that we need around $25,000 for sales tax, registration fees, and other legal expenses. We have to have these funds by OCTOBER 21st!
Pray for the funds we need. Pray for how God may want to use you to help us reach them.
Pray, also, for the team we need to form as our Board of Directors and how we need to go about doing that. Pray for who should be on it.  We already have several candidates, and are considering a couple more.  May God send those He wants our way.
Pray for Claudia and I as we try to run a family in the middle of all of this craziness. May we find time to be together away from the stress.
Thanks again for your prayers, and let’s fight forward taking the land God has given us as a refuge for these boys. Once the land is purchased, we have a long road ahead in construction and in bringing in the boys. This is only the Beginning.