
Are you a young adult looking for a way to serve others? A college student looking to maximize your summer vacation and honor God at the same time? Have you been on a mission trip with Engadi Ministries before and want to learn how to get more involved?
Engadi Ministries hosts internships in Guatemala where you will be able to use your unique talents to serve God and others while partaking in a once-in-a-lifetime adventure in Guatemala. Internships are a great way for young singles to get involved in what God is doing in Guatemala, help lead teams from across the United States and immerse yourself in another beautiful culture. Engadi Ministries is in a constant need for interns, especially during the summer months when we are saturated with teams and community out reach.
Committing a few months of your life to an internship with Engadi Ministries could be an opportunity for you to listen, grow closer to, and discern God’s calling in your life, develop personal leadership skills, and at the same time, serve the less-fortunate than you. If you are interested in partaking in an internship with Engadi Ministries or have questions about whether an internship is right for you, please contact us at