Meet Juanes

Juanes is one of eight children and lives with his mother, a tortilla maker, in Paraíso. His father died of cirrhosis of the liver. He is 14 years old and does not know how to read or write. Due to having an emergency birth at an unfamiliar hospital, his mother failed to receive a birth certificate when Juanes was born. In spite of his desire to learn and excel, Juanes has been prevented from enrolling in school or any type of educational program because he has no birth certificate. Juanes wants to be an architect when he grows up and enjoys soccer, learning, and having someone to simply spend time with him. In 2013, Engadi Ministries built a house for Juanes’ family that included electricity, running water, a bathroom, and a store front for his mother to make and sell tortillas providing their family with a means of income.
As a part of our intensive discipleship program for boys, called The Derek Program, Engadi Ministries is currently working with Juanes’ family to help them obtain his birth certificate. He will then be enrolled in a free program that will teach him to read and write so that the can eventually obtain a GED to pursue his goals. Through the Derek Program, Juanes will also attend weekly Bible Studies, have godly men involved in his life, and will be active in his community.
If you would like to be a part of helping Juanes and others succeed and move closer to to becoming Mighty Man of God one step at a time, please consider a donation to Engadi Ministries here. This money will go toward helping his family obtain his birth certificate, getting him enrolled in reading classes, and helping him with his studies along the way. Click here to sponsor Juanes within the Derek Program.

Meet Angel

Angel is one of nine children and has grown up with his mother in Paraíso. His father was killed several years ago, and Angel, sadly, was present to witness his father’s death. Since that time, there has been no father-figure in Angel’s home. Angel is 16 years and wants to be a lawyer when he is older. He enjoys soccer and baking, and one day wishes to help others in need. Angel currently works at a local bakery and gets up at 3:00 am each morning to go to work. Later in the day, he attends a local elementary school where he is in fourth grade. At home he helps out with his younger siblings leaving little time to study. In 2009, Engadi Ministries completed a three room secure house for Angel’s family that replaced their dirt floor shack and unsanitary outhouse.
As a part of our intensive discipleship program for boys, called The Derek Program, Engadi Ministries is currently working with Angel to help him excel in school. We are encouraging Angel to continue in his studies in spite of the obstacles he faces and the discouragement of past difficulties. Through the Derek Program, Angel will also attend weekly Bible Studies, have godly men involved in his life, and will be active in his community.
If you would like to be a part of helping Angel and others succeed and move closer to to becoming Mighty Man of God one step at a time, please consider a donation to Engadi Ministries here. This money will go toward support with schooling, professional training and resources to become a lawyer, and professional etiquette classes to help him accomplish his dream of being a layer. Click here to sponsor Angel within the Derek Program.