Tag Archive for: hope

6th Grade Graduation

Today, Engadi Ministries had the privilege of giving a graduation speech to the graduating class of sixth graders in Paraíso. Sadly, statistics show that many of them will not continue their education past this level due to a variety of reasons. Engadi’s Director of Discipleship, David Medina, encouraged children and parents to press on in their schooling and pursue their dreams. Several of these students were also part of Engadi Ministries’ scholarship program to earn school supplies for the past school year.
#hope #engadi

Daily Prayer Request- October 10

Today, the team for Shearer Hills will depart Guatemala to travel home to Texas. Pray for safe travels for the team. Pray that the people they met and served will leave a lasting impression on their hearts. Pray that they will not quickly forget what God has shown each of them this week.
#engadi #hope #brotherhood
201510 Shearer Hills

Thank You, Shearer Hills

The team from Shearer Hills did awesome work on the road to Engadi Ranch. This team of seven far surpassed the amount of road work we expected for them to accomplish. There are now very few sections left that need to be fixed, and we are hoping to start work on the property of Engadi Ranch early next year. Thank you Shearer Hills Baptist Church for your hard work and helping us draw very near to our goal. Here are some final photos of their work this week.
#engadi #hope #brotherhood