Tag Archive for: soccercamp

Beds Delivered To Benaiah Home

Imagine growing up without a bed to call your own. Perhaps your bed was a shared couch your family found in a trash heap just outside their squatter community. Maybe it was a simple bedroll of cushion spread out on a dirt floor each night. If you were lucky enough to have a mattress, it was undoubtedly several decades old, had numerous previous owners, and was shared between you, your siblings, and maybe even parents each night. This is a far too common reality for children growing up in the slums of Guatemala City such as Paraíso.
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After spending your childhood years in one of the conditions above, could you imagine if, one day, you not only had a new mattress with sheets to sleep on, but you got to call that bed “yours?” This will very soon become a reality for the boys who are coming to live in Engadi’s Benaiah House. This week, nine brand-new mattresses were delivered to the home from the local mattress factory. As we prepare to take in our first three young men to the home, please be in prayer for the transition each of the boys will make. It will certainly be difficult at times, but we pray that it would ultimately be a transition that would bring a #brotherhood to the future men of Paraíso, and foster their #hope of becoming Mighty Men in Christ.
“In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.”
Psalm 4:8

The Final Whistle- Camp Week Ends

Today closed out the week of soccer camp in Paraíso hosted by Engadi Ministries. The past week has allowed children to hear Biblical messages each day, improve their soccer skills and have a constructive way to pass their time while not in school. It has been a huge success within Paraíso, and has let Engadi further assess and better meet the needs of the kids we work with.
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A concluding devotion was given by Engadi’s Director of Discipleship, David, which was followed by a scrimmage tournament for each age group. To close the week, each participant received a certificate of participation from Engadi.
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Two of the young men from within the Derek Program presented certificates of gratitude on behalf of Engadi to the weeklong volunteer coaches, Tato and Jose, who freely gave their time to help Engadi host the camp this week.
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Children were also provided bread from their coaches as they departed as it was recognized that most had not eaten breakfast in the mornings and fatigued quicker than expected during the soccer camp. Engadi is extremely thankful for the generosity and partnership from Tato, Jose, and Andy, and for their devotion to providing both hope and brotherhood to the children of Paraíso this week.
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Tomorrow starts a new week for Engadi with the team from Anderson University arriving in the afternoon. We will update with their progress throughout the week. Stay tuned!
#engadi #brotherhood #hope

Paraíso Soccer Camp Photos

Engadi Ministries has had the opportunity to reach out to the children of Paraíso this week by hosting a sports camp in their neighborhood. Over fifty children from preschool ages through high school have attended the camp, hearing a Biblical message and improving their soccer skills with the help of coaches Tato and Jose, who have partnered with Engadi this week to reach out to Paraíso. It has been a fantastic week of creating brotherhood and bringing hope through soccer in Paraíso! Above are some highlights from the week so far-

#hope #engadi #brotherhood

Camp Week Update

Soccer Camp Sebastian
Engadi has had a great turnout this week whole hosting a free week long soccer camp for children living in Paraíso. Over fifty children have attended throughout the week, heard a Biblical message and have had the opportunity to sharpen their soccer skills while on Christmas break from school.
Sebastian Soccer Camp
Sebastian, seen in photos, lives very near the soccer field in Paraíso and has attended the camp throughout the week. He just passed his grade in school, and is striving to be a lawyer when he grows up. His favorite thing to do is play games, such as soccer, with other children in the neighborhood. Engadi continues to work in Paraíso to serve children like Sebastian, giving #hope to their dreams, and creating #brotherhood within the community.
Sebastian Soccer Camp

Soccer Camp Kickoff!

Soccer Camp
This week, Engadi Ministries Intl. is hosting a free soccer camp for kids in Paraíso. While children are on a break from school for Christmas, many who live in Paraíso are left to the streets while parents work. As a service to the neighborhood, Engadi has initiated an annual soccer training camp to provide children with a constructive and wholesome way to fill their time.
Engadi has partnered with two local soccer experts, Jose and Tato, who have agreed to donate their time, knowledge, and love of soccer to help train children in Paraíso. In addition, Engadi’s Director of Discipleship, David Medina provides children with a Biblical message each day to deliver #hope to Paraíso. Today’s message was about finding, strengthening and harnessing the talents that God has provided each individual. Around 45 children, ranging from preschool through high school aged boys and girls, heard todays message and were involved in the soccer training, including the boys involved in the Derek Program.
Soccer Camp
Check back throughout the week to see updates and stories of how Engadi’s camp is bringing #hope and #brotherhood to children living in Paraíso.