Tag Archive for: transformationcenter

English Classes Offered to Girls in Paraíso

Engadi’s English classes have continued to grow and deepen in Paraíso this summer. We now have enough of the boys within the Derek Program attending to offer classes all day on both Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Engadi Transformation Center. Seeing the tremendous response from these classes offered to the boys in Paraíso, Engadi felt burdened still to do more. In response, Engadi extended the offer of English classes to not only the boys being mentored in the Derek Program, but also to their sisters. Last week, Engadi held it’s first “girls only” class first thing in the morning before kicking off classes with the boys.
Several adolescent girls attended the classes taught by one of Engadi’s summer volunteers, Brenda. The girls learned basic English commands, some sight words, and also had time to peruse Engadi’s library of donated books. Through reaching out to the girls as well as boys living in Paraíso, Engadi hopes to continue bringing #hope and #brotherhood (or should we say #sisterhood for today?) to Paraíso!
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Engadi Initiates English Classes in Paraíso

This week, Engadi piloted new typing and English classes for the boys in the Derek Program. Young men who had a desire to improve their skills in either of these areas were invited to classes led by Engadi staff members in the Engadi Transformation Center. Most of these boys do not have regular access to computers, and having even weekly classes on computers will help them gain skills that will be valuable when they begin seeking employment in the future. In addition, having knowledge of the English language can possibly augment, if not double, the salary that they are qualified to earn in many job markets in Guatemala.

More importantly, the classes give boys a time of one-on-one mentorship, encouragement, and discipleship with Engadi staff. The boys’ faces couldn’t hide their excitement and contentment to have a focused time of attention and learning with an adult they trusted.
Engadi is excited to expand the scope of the Derek Program that we are able to extend to boys in Paraíso who are motivated to succeed in spite of their current situation. These classes are scheduled to continue twice a week throughout the summer months for boys who are interested. Check back periodically for updates and photos of the classes throughout the summer!
#engadi #hope #brotherhood

ETC Inspirational Mural

This week, while the majority of the team from Clayton King Ministries was busy doing outreach in local elementary schools and hosting events on Paraíso’s main soccer field, a special team of artists within the team was working on a special project within the Engadi Transformation Center. Mixing their own colors of paint using only a few basic colors, the team created a beautiful mural in the main classroom of the Engadi Transformation Center!
The center of the mural features Engadi’s signature “Oak of Righteousness” based off of Isaiah 61:1-6. Beside the oak are Engadi’s guiding values of Hope and Brotherhood written in Spanish.
The right third of the mural features a typical Guatemalan style pueblo with a backdrop of one of Guatemala’s many volcanoes. At the center is a church surrounded by homes and other small businesses.
On the far left side of the painting is a more modern city featuring a hospital, fire station, bank, and crane to signify new development. The city is surrounded by a busy highway of cars trucks and buses. The old and new communities represent the mix of cultures in Guatemala and the vast options that each of the children in Paraíso have for careers, homes, and community life when they grow up. The mural delivers a message to the children who will be using the center that they are capable of anything with God when they put their minds to it. Across the bottom, tying the sections together is painted, “Be strong and brave and do not fear.” Joshua 1:9.
The team did an awesome job on the mural! It very clearly delivers a message of #hope and #brotherhood to all who will be using the ETC for classes and community events. Thank you Clayton King Ministries for this awesome work of art!

New Paint for the Transformation Center

The team from Clayton King Ministries spent their last workday in Paraíso painting the Engadi Transformation Center, Engadi’s physical center within the community. Throughout the day, the team painted almost the entire interior and exterior of the building giving it a whole new look. The team cleaned and brightened the walls with a bright yellow paint that closely resembles the colors used in other work Engadi has done within the community such as painting the local schools. Their work really brightened up the center, and with just a new coat of paint, the building now has a new sense of #hope and #brotherhood upon entering the door. We are excited to continue our community events and classes within the walls of the ETC, and are excited for the community to see and experience the changes that the team brought to the center.

Monday Discipleship Groups in Paraíso

Manuel leading Monday morning's Bible study in the Engadi Transformation Center in Paraíso

Manuel leading Monday morning’s Bible study in the Engadi Transformation Center in Paraíso

Every Monday in Paraíso, Manuel, Engadi’s Community Outreach Coordinator, leads two Bible Studies for the young men in the Derek Program. The studies offer the boys a time of Biblical teaching and Spiritual growth, as well as a time to bond and build #brotherhood between them. Since the study began in September, the boys have come to love their time together learning Biblical lessons and how they can apply them to their individual lives. 10-year-old Canche, one of the boys in the Derek Program looks forward to his small group each week, and especially loves learning new lessons from the Bible. Also, 9-year-old Anthony’s favorite part of his small group is learning new Biblical stories, his favorite so far being Noah’s Ark.
While it is wonderful to see each boy helping out in his community and focusing on his education while in the Derek Program, Engadi also focuses heavily on creating a foundation in Christ in order to give each boy a strong base from which he can continue developing in every other aspect. We are thankful for this opportunity to work closely with each of these bright young men and watch them learn and grow in their personal walks with God through this intimate discipleship group.
Weekly Discipleship classes in the Engadi Transformation Center Weekly Discipleship classes in the Engadi Transformation Center

First Classes in the Engadi Transformation Center

Last week, Engadi Ministries held our first classes within the recently acquired and renovated Engadi Transformation Center in Paraíso. As a way to earn school supplies for their children, families are able to attend Biblically-based values classes, which are now held at the Engadi Transformation Center, a safe and neutral location within their community.

ETC Classes

Residents of Paraíso attending Family Values Classes within the Engadi Transformation Center

The classes held last week were taught by Engadi’s Director of Discipleship, David Medina, and covered a Biblical the topics of “Love vs. Hate”, a message which is extremely relevant in Paraíso’s gang-ridden streets. Classes aim to unite, educate, and share hope through the Gospel of Christ within the community.  Young men within the Derek Program have also begun using the building for weekly Bible studies and discipleship groups.  We are excited to be a part of how God is able to use the Center to ultimately draw the community of Paraíso closer to Him.

Thank You, Avenue Church!

201601 Avenue Furnishings
Engadi Ministries thanks the men of Avenue Church who spent the past week partnering to reach out to children and families living in Paraíso. The construction they completed this week was jobs that would have taken our ministry staff many more weeks, if not months, to complete and it will have a direct and lasting impact on the lives of those who live in Paraíso. About half of the team spent the week renovating the Engadi Transformation Center, a beacon of hope within the community that will touch hundreds of lives as Engadi uses it to share Christ’s love with the neighborhood through Bible studies, community classes and events. The other half of the team spent the majority of their week constructing beds, dressers, and desks for the boys who will be living there, creating a bond of brotherhood within the shared rooms of the home. All of the teams’ work looks great, and we are so thankful to have their support, expertise, and dedication for the past week. Thank you, Avenue Church!
201601 Avenue

Transforming the Transformation Center

The new roof looks great!

The new roof looks great!

Over the past week, the all-men’s team from Avenue Church has transformed the Engadi Transformation Center in Paraíso. The team has replaced the roof, rewired the building, leveled and poured new concrete on the floor, begun to tile the upstairs, and dried-in one of the downstairs bathrooms. We are so thankful for their know-how, flexibility, and willingness to get the job done this week.
Beginning their last full day of work in Paraíso

Beginning their last full day of work in Paraíso

Finishing up the wiring within the building.

Finishing up the wiring within the building.

Avenue Church helping to lay tile and rewire the building.

Avenue Church helping to lay tile and rewire the building.

Rewiring the building was more complex than first thought, but Robert was able to get the job done!

Rewiring the building was more complex than first thought, but Robert was able to get the job done!

Laying tile on the newly poured floors.

Laying tile on the newly poured floors.

Pouring and leveling the floors.

Pouring and leveling the floors.

Drywalling the downstairs bathroom.

Drywalling the downstairs bathroom.

The Engadi Transformation Center will allow Engadi to have a continual secure presence within the community of Paraíso. It is designed to be a beacon of hope for the neighborhood, and a place where Bible studies, community classes, and events can be held to bring a sense of brotherhood and togetherness to the community. Thank you Avenue Church for investing your time, money and talents into sharing Christ’s love with the community.
#engadi #hope #brotherhood

Raising the Roof

Yesterday, the all-men’s team from Avenue Church in Texas put in a long day’s work in Paraíso at Engadi’s newly acquired Engadi Transformation Center. The team removed the building’s original roof which was in disrepair and replaced it with new metal roofing. They also finished framing on one of the building’s bathrooms and began drywall work on the room. In addition, they initiated rewiring the electrical system in the building and leveling and pouring new concrete flooring upstairs. Great work guys! Your efforts will help Engadi bring hope and brotherhood to countess children and families in Paraíso
The team is back in Paraíso as of this morning continuing progress on the building. We can’t wait to see the progress that they are able to make in the next three days that they are here!

Avenue Church's mens team removing the old tin roof.

Avenue Church’s mens team removing the old tin roof.

Avenue Church's men's team hoisting up the new sheets of metal roofing.

Avenue Church’s men’s team hoisting up the new sheets of metal roofing.

Avenue Church's men's team finished the roof; now moving on to level and pour new concrete flooring.

The new roof looks great!  Now moving on to level and pour new concrete flooring.

Phillip Blume of Blume Photography captured the progress made of Engadi's Transformation Center

Phillip Blume of Blume Photography captured the progress made of Engadi’s Transformation Center


Engadi Transformation Center Improvements

Yesterday, the Anderson University mission team was the first to begin work on the Engadi Transformation Center located in Paraíso. The team worked to clean and renovate the center so that it will be a safe location to hold Bible studies, meetings and other Engadi events. We thank Anderson University for their partnership in bringing hope and brotherhood to Paraíso.

The AU team cleaning and priming the walls.

The AU team cleaning and priming the walls.

The AU team cleaning and priming the walls.

The AU team cleaning and priming the walls.

The boards from the wall that was removed were repurposed to create a room around a downstairs bathroom.

The boards from the wall that was removed were repurposed to create a room around a downstairs bathroom.

Walls were primed to be painted.

Walls were primed to be painted.

Scraping the walls and ceiling of dust and debris

Scraping the walls and ceiling of dust and debris

The boys from the Derek Program worked alongside the team.

The boys from the Derek Program worked alongside the team.

Juanes helped to remove an unnecessary wall in the center.

Juanes helped to remove an unnecessary wall in the center.

The boys from the Derek Program worked alongside the team.

The boys from the Derek Program worked alongside the team.

Taking out a wall to create more airflow in the ETC

Taking out a wall to create more airflow in the ETC